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KUKA Quantec KR120 R2500 pro

High payload robot, 6 axis. One of the fastest of the heavy duty Quantec robot range. Remarkable double tank counterbalance system. Completely new mechanics compared to the previous version.

Latest state of the art generation of high payload robots (90 to 300 kg). The QUANTEC.

The new KUKA QUANTEC series is more streamlined, stronger, faster and considerably more versatile: that’s the new KUKA QUANTEC robot series.

The QUANTEC PRO features:

I. A 25 percent reduction in robot volume results in reduced space requirements and improved reachability – even in tight corners. Moreover, this is combined with denser installations and improved mounting options. The advantages: minimum space requirements and maximum productivity.

II. Optimal process results: the stiffer mechanical system, improved motion characteristics, shorter cycle times and increased path accuracy ensure top performance. The advantages: enormous power and simple operation.

III. KR C4 - Newest Kuka controller

More powerful, safer, more flexible, and above all more intelligent. The revolutionary concept of the KR C4 provides a firm foundation for the automation of tomorrow. It reduces costs in automation for integration, maintenance and servicing. The long-term efficiency and flexibility of the systems are increased at the same time. For this reason, KUKA has developed a new ground-breaking, clearly-structured system architecture that concentrates on open and powerful data standards. In this architecture, all integrated controllers – from SafetyControl, RobotControl, and MotionControl to LogicControl and ProcessControl – have a joint database and infrastructure which they use and share intelligently.

KR C4 features

Robot data

Robot motion speed

Motion Range

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