
Periksa jajaran robot FANUC baru, bekas, bekas, dan rekondisi yang saat ini kami miliki.

Proses perbaikan kami untuk robot FANUC bekas adalah prosedur yang cermat dan komprehensif yang memastikan robot dikembalikan ke kinerja dan keandalan optimalnya. Proses ini melibatkan beberapa langkah kunci:

  1. Inspeksi dan Penilaian: Setiap robot bekas diperiksa secara menyeluruh untuk menilai kondisinya, mengidentifikasi keausan, kerusakan, atau potensi masalah. Penilaian awal ini menjadi dasar untuk rencana perbaikan.
  2. Pembersihan dan Perbaikan: Semua komponen dibersihkan, dan bagian yang rusak diperbaiki atau diganti dengan komponen asli. Ini termasuk tidak hanya bagian yang terlihat tetapi juga komponen internal seperti motor, sensor, dan kabel.
  3. Reset dan personalisasi pabrik perangkat lunak: Perangkat lunak robot disetel ulang untuk memastikan kompatibilitas dengan opsi teknologi dan dikonfigurasi sesuai kebutuhan Anda.
  4. Kalibrasi dan Pengujian: Robot menjalani kalibrasi yang cermat untuk memastikan gerakan dan pemosisian yang akurat. Itu kemudian menjalani pengujian ketat untuk mengevaluasi kinerjanya di berbagai tugas dan skenario.
  5. Kontrol Kualitas: Penilaian kontrol kualitas akhir dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa robot yang diperbarui memenuhi standar ketat kami untuk kinerja, keamanan, dan keandalan.
  6. Peningkatan Opsional: Bergantung pada model dan kebutuhan pelanggan, kami dapat menawarkan peningkatan opsional seperti peningkatan sensor, pengontrol, atau fitur perangkat lunak untuk meningkatkan kemampuan robot.
  7. Pengemasan dan Pengiriman: Setelah robot berhasil melewati semua tahapan proses perbaikan, robot dikemas dengan hati-hati untuk mencegah kerusakan selama transit dan dikirim ke lokasi pelanggan.

Fanuc adalah perusahaan yang mengembangkan sistem robotik generasi terbaru yang memberikan peningkatan signifikan dalam kualitas, produksi, dan pengembalian investasi di industri manufaktur. Fanuc menghasilkan pengontrol yang sangat intuitif dan mudah serta kontrol numerik NC yang terkenal: dengan robot antropomorfik, Fanuc berada di posisi dominan di pasar untuk mendapatkan hasil yang luar biasa.

Fanuk Robots Controller R-30iB


LR Mate 200iD R30iB Plus

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7

M-20iA / 12L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2009
Max. Load: 12


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20

Fanuc M-420iA/40 Sangat Cepat!

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 1855
Max. Load: 40

M-410iC / 315

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 315

Fanuk Robots Controller R-30iA


M-710iC / 20L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3110
Max. Load: 20

M-710iC / 50

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 50

Fanuc R-1000iA / 80F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 80


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3005
Max. Load: 125


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 165

R-2000iB / 185L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3060
Max. Load: 185


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 210


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3100
Max. Load: 260


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 350

M-900iA / 600

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2832
Max. Load: 600

Fanuk Robots Controller RJ3iB


P-155 paint

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 7

M-420iA 40 Rj3iB

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 1855
Max. Load: 40


Used Fanuk robots Fanuk Robots Controller R30iB Plus

Out of stock

M-10iA/10M (Pergelangan tangan berongga)

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1422
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

Fanuc M-10iA/10M (Pergelangan tangan standar)

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1422
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

M-10iA / 12

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12

Used Fanuk robots Fanuk Robots Controller R-30iB

Out of stock

M-1iA / 0.5SL

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 420
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 0.5S

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 0.5AL

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 240
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 0.5A

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 1HL

अक्: 3
Max. Reach: 240
Max. Load: 1
Out of stock

M-1iA / 1H

अक्: 3
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 1
Out of stock

M-2iA / 3SL

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 1130
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

M-2iA / 3S

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 800
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1130
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

M-2iA / 3A

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 800
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iC/8L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2028
Max. Load: 3(8)
Out of stock

ARC Mate 0iB

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1437
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

Kolaborasi CR-4iA

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 550
Max. Load: 4
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/4SC

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 550
Max. Load: 4
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/4SH

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 550
Max. Load: 4
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/4S

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 550
Max. Load: 4
Out of stock

Cat Mate 200iA / 5L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 892
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

Paint Mate 200iA

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iB

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 700
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

M-3iA / 6S

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 1350
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

M-3iA / 6A

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1350
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

M-2 iA 6H

अक्: 3
Max. Reach: 800
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

M-2 iA 6HL

अक्: 3
Max. Reach: 1130
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

ARC Mate 50iD

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

ARC Mate 50iD/7L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7WP

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

Collaborative robot CR-7iA / L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100 iC/7L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1633
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7WP

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7H

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7LC

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200 iD/7L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iD/7C

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

Fanuc LR Mate 200iD/7L R30iB Plus

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

M-10iA / 7L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1633
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

M-10iA / 8L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2028
Max. Load: 8
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iD/8L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2032
Max. Load: 8
Out of stock

P-50iB/10L Paint

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1800
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

Fanuc ARC Mate 100iD/10L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1636
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

CRX 10iA / L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1418
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1101
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iC/12

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iC/12S

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1098
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

ARC Mate 120iC/12L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2009
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iD

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1441
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

M-3 iA / 12H

अक्: 3
Max. Reach: 1350
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

M-710iC / 12L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3123
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

M-10iA / 12S

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1098
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

M-10iD / 12

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

Fanuc LR Mate 200iD/14L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 14
Out of stock

P-50iB/15 Paint

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1400
Max. Load: 15
Out of stock

P-250iB/15 Paint

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2800
Max. Load: 15
Out of stock

ARC Mate 120iC

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-710iC / 20M

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2582
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-710iC / 20L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3110
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-20iA / 20T

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1662
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-20iA / 20MT

अक्: 6
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

Cleanroom M-20iB / 25C

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1853
Max. Load: 25
Out of stock

M-20iB / 25

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1853
Max. Load: 25
Out of stock

Robot kolaboratif CR-35iA

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1813
Max. Load: 35
Out of stock

M-20iA / 35MT

अक्: 6
Max. Load: 35
Out of stock

M-20iA / 35M

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1813
Max. Load: 35
Out of stock

P-350iA / 45 Paint robot

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2.606
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock

M-710iC / 45M

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2606
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50S

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1359
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50H

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 2003
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50E

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50T

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1900
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 70T

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1900
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

M-710iC / 70

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

R-1000 iA / 80H

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 80
Out of stock

R-1000iA / 80F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 80
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 100P

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3540
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 100P

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3500
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 100H

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

R-1000iA / 100F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

R-1000iA / 120F-7B

अक्: 7
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 120
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 125L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3100
Max. Load: 125
Out of stock

R-1000iA / 130F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2230
Max. Load: 130
Out of stock

M-410iB / 140H

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 2850
Max. Load: 140
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 150U

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 150
Out of stock

M-900iA / 150P

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3507
Max. Load: 150
Out of stock

M-410iB / 160

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 160
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 165R

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

Kontroler FANUC R2000iC 165F R30iB

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 170CF

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1520
Max. Load: 170
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 175L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2852
Max. Load: 175
Out of stock

M-900iA / 200P

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3507
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000 iB / 200T

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2208
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 210L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3100
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 210R

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 210WE

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 210F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 210FS

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2605
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 220US

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2443
Max. Load: 220
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 220U

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2470
Max. Load: 220
Out of stock

R2000iC / 220U

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2518
Max. Load: 220
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 250F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 250
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 270F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 270
Out of stock

M-900iB / 280L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3103
Max. Load: 280
Out of stock

M-900iB / 280

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 280
Out of stock

M-900iB / 360

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 360
Out of stock

M-900iB / 400L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3704
Max. Load: 400
Out of stock

M-410iB / 450

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3130
Max. Load: 450
Out of stock

M-410iC / 500

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 500
Out of stock

M-900iB / 700

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2832
Max. Load: 700
Out of stock

M-410iB / 700

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 700
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 900L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 4683
Max. Load: 900
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 1200

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3734
Max. Load: 1200 (1350) kg
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 1700L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 4683
Max. Load: 1700
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 2300

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3734
Max. Load: 2300
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 165F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 210WE

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2450
Max. Load: 210

Used Fanuk robots Fanuk Robots Controller R-30iA

Out of stock

M-1iA / 0.5A

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

M-1iA / 0.5S

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 280
Max. Load: 0.5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC/5L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 892
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

Cat Mate 200iA / 5L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 892
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC / 5C

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC / 5H

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

Cat Mate 200iA

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 704
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock

ArcMate 100iC / 6L R30iA

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1632
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 0,950
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1373
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

Delta M-3IA/6A

अक्: 3
Max. Reach: 1350
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

ARC Mate 50iD / 7L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 911
Max. Load: 7
Out of stock

Arc Mate 100iC / 8L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2028
Max. Load: 8
Out of stock

ARC Mate 100iC / 12

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

Robot pengelasan Fanuc Arcmate 100iC dengan positioner 2 sumbu ganda

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 12
Out of stock

P-250iB/15 painting robot

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2800
Max. Load: 15
Out of stock

Arc mate 120ic

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-20iA / 20T

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1662
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1611
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-16iB / 20

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1667
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1811
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

Fanuc M-16iB / 20

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1667
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50E

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50S

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1359
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710iC / 50T

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1900
Max. Load: 50
Out of stock

M-710i C/70T series on track

अक्: 7
Max. Reach: 1900
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

M-710iC / 70

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2050
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 100H

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

M-410iB / 140

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 2850
Max. Load: 140
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 150U

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 150
Out of stock

M-410iB / 160

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3140
Max. Load: 160
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 165F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

R-2000iC / 165R

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 170CF

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1520
Max. Load: 170
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2852
Max. Load: 175
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 185L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3060
Max. Load: 185
Out of stock

M-900iA / 200P

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3507
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 200T

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2208
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

FANUC R-2000iB / 200R

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

Fanuc R-2000ib-210F dengan servogun

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

R-2000iB / 250F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2655
Max. Load: 250
Out of stock

M-410iB / 300

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3140
Max. Load: 300
Out of stock

M-900iB / 400L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3704
Max. Load: 400
Out of stock

M-410iB / 450

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3130
Max. Load: 450
Out of stock

M-410iB / 700

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 700
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC/5F

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 5
Max. Load: 711
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 900L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 4683
Max. Load: 900
Out of stock

M-2000iA / 1200

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3734
Max. Load: 1200 (1350)
Out of stock

LR Mate 200iC

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 717
Max. Load: 5

Used Fanuk robots Fanuk Robots Controller RJ3iB

Out of stock

Fanuc Arcmate 100iB arc welding robotic system - 8 axis

अक्: 8
Max. Reach: 1373
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

Arcmate 100iB

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1373
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1373
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

Arcmate 120iB/10L

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1885
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1667
Max. Load: 16
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1706
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock


अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 160
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3095
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2450
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000iA 200EW

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 200
Out of stock

R-2000iA 210F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock

Fanuc R-2000iA-210F with servocontrolled spotwelding gun on a 7th axis linear track

अक्: 6+2
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 210
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 350
Out of stock

M-410iB-450 palletizing robot

अक्: 4
Max. Reach: 3143
Max. Load: 450
Out of stock

LRmate 200iB

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 700
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

Arcmate 120iB

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1667
Max. Load: 20
Out of stock

R-2000iA 165F

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2650
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock

LRMate 100iB

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 620
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

P-145 Paint

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2731
Max. Load: 7,5
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1040
Max. Load: 100
Out of stock

P-200E paint

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2800
Max. Load: 15
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3005
Max. Load: 125

Used Fanuk robots Fanuk Robots Controller RJ3

Out of stock

P-145 paint

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2731
Max. Load: 7.5
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1893
Max. Load: 70
Out of stock

LR Mate 200i LRMate

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 700
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

M-710i RJ3

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1706
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock

P-120 Paint

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2409
Max. Load: 5
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3093
Max. Load: 165
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 3002
Max. Load: 125
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2643
Max. Load: 130

Used Fanuk robots Fanuk Robots Controller RJ3ic

Out of stock

Fanuc Arcmate 100iB robot welding system - 9 axis

अक्: 9
Max. Reach: 1420
Max. Load: 10
Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1885
Max. Load: 10

Used Fanuk robots Fanuk Robots Controller RJ2

Out of stock


अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1706
Max. Load: 45
Out of stock

LRMate 200i

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 700
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

LRMate 100i

अक्: 5
Max. Reach: 620
Max. Load: 3
Out of stock

S-420iF S420iF

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2450/2850
Max. Load: 120
Out of stock

Arcmate 100i

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1368
Max. Load: 6
Out of stock

S-420iW S420iW

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2450
Max. Load: 150
Out of stock

Arcmate 120i Rj2

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1542
Max. Load: 16
Out of stock

S-900H S900H

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 2488
Max. Load: 200

Used Fanuk robots Fanuk Robots Controller RJ

Out of stock

Arcmate 100

अक्: 6
Max. Reach: 1346
Max. Load: 6

Industrial Machinery Export Bilbao, S.L.
Polígono Ugaldeguren III, nó 32, Pabellón 1
48170-Zamudio (Vizcaya) Spain
Tel. 0039 3387620171
0039 3395310971

Last updated: 16 Feb, 2025